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Solar Panel Adjustment Time – 4th September 2017

Solar Panel Adjustment Time – 4th September 2017

We have one of our new adjustable Solar Racks in place now supporting some of the new panels. This will allow us to adjust our Solar Panels for maximum efficiency based on the time of year and the angle of the sun.

We also now have a set dates for adjusting the panels.  These are based on the Summer/Winter Solstice times  and the adjust-ability of our Solar Racks

Passive heating and cooling the house

Passive heating and cooling the house

By our estimations, the house here at Arborlon was built about 20 years ago.We don’t know who built it, but as we’ve lived here now for two years, we’ve noticed how well they designed the aspects of the house to achieve natural heating and cooling. We have no need for heating or air-conditioning!

Spanikopita when there’s too much spinach!

Spanikopita when there’s too much spinach!

What do you do when nature throws you too much spinach, you make Spanikopita!
Growing your own food is one thing, but eating the food you grow is a whole other thing. You have to be prepared with recipes and ideas of how to use the abundance of food that nature gives you, which prompted me to start posting some recipes to help us all use our home grown veg. So,