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We had been discussing what to do with ‘Gary’s pad since we completed the Acacia Garden Wall and now it was time to make a decision.

We had thought about more gardens on either side?  A path of some sort?  A winding path with edge?  But we chose to leave the pad as grass for the moment.

Finishing Gary's Pad

In order to get some grass coming on, we covered the pad in trommeled mushroom compost.  This will encourage whatever grass is present to grow, and also gives us a good base to add grass/seed at a later date.

The edges of the pad have forest mulch edges and rock supports bank on each side.

Now that the major work is finished we need to ‘test’ the pad and it’s construction…. and the weather is our tester.  Like everything we ‘build’ here it has to be able to withstand torrential rain over a significant period.

Once ‘tested’ we will know that the pad is secure.  So now we wait for rain.




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