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As we cleared and dug out one of the garden terraces behind the house we had a visit from a very weird looking local.

The pictures above and below are of a Mountain Katydid

Mountain Katydid
Mountain Katydid
Mountain Katydid

We had no idea what this insect was when we discovered it, but a quick visit to Australian Marsupials, Reptiles, Amphibians,Invertebrates and Plants Group – on Facebook – gave us the answer.

The female(pictured) also has a spectacular defensive display, that we did not see. So we will have to keep an eye out for more.


Yes…  that is the base of an old Bug Catcher!

I have had one everywhere I have lived for the last 20 odd years.  Great for those bugs and spiders you are not so sure about.

Scoop em up in the Bug Cather and let them go outside.  You can still buy them online.

Crawley Keeper Bug Catcher – Australian Geographic


No doubt we will see and find some of the other insects that live here as time goes on..   but this one was a pretty cool first find.


Bug Catcher - Circa 1970s
Bug Catcher - Modern



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