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Just below our house on the south western side is an open area with a couple of fruit trees.  So we decided to plant our “orchard” there. Today we moved some of your existing plants to the orchard.

Two Olives trees that we have had for a few years now. There have been in ‘garbage can’ pots for some time and have been knocked around significantly in recent times.  They got stripped almost bare during the move from Brisbane 🙁  But they have recovered and should do really well in the ground.

We were given a Fig tree(Black Genoa) by our friends Joel and Annie when they came to visit so it got moved to the orchard as well.


Because of the steepness of the ground in the orchard, we needed to box in the trees in some way, so we did not lose them or soil and mulch down the hill.  We constructed some three-sided tree boxes that would support the trees, and also be able to be driven into the ground so that they would not be shifted by rain and water flow.

The tree boxes were constructed out of some recycled hardwood fence posts, and some pine fence palings.


Digging a hole for the trees on the steep slope is not easy..  but we got it done.  The boxes were then placed around the position of the trees-to-be.

Planting orchard


The trees came out of their pots easily and were planted without issue.  We just need to add some mulch and give them a good water and they will be set to go.

Fig Tree orchard

Fig Tree – Black Genoa – in the orchard

Olive tree orchard

Olive Tree – in the orchard


We have more to be planted in the orchard, including an Avocado, Paw Paw, another Mango, and a collection of unknown fruit trees that we were given by a friend.

More trees to plant and more boxes to build.




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