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We’ve got Mulch!

Mulch is a vital part of our work and our lives.  Without it we would not survive.

So when we ran low and could not find any new sources we were worried. We use huge amounts of mulch across our own gardens and also along the road edge where we have done work.

In recent times we have had mulch from the road works and from the local Rangers at no cost and, as always, we were looking for cost-free mulch again.

The local Facebook group came to the rescue and we were given access to multiple large piles probably representing close to 30 m3 of mulch.

Trailer full of Mulch
Re-mulching the Nursery Gardens

So we grabbed a couple of quick loads and got to work.  Firstly renewing the mulch on the gardens at the Nursery, and then the home mulch pile.

The next loads will be along our road works and berms.  The dry has taken a huge toll on the mulch in situ. It dries to a crisp and then turns to dust as animals and the wind push it around.

The new Mulch Pile

So the next few weeks will be filled with trailer-loading and unloading as we spread this much needed Mulch around the property.


Plans are already afoot for a mulch blower/spreader….   Hmmmm..




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